Why Ageless Grace Aroma?
Pre-Retreat Specialty Workshop
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
You won’t want to miss this dynamic Pre-Retreat Specialty Workshop – Ageless Grace Aroma™. This workshop is open to everyone who would like to learn more about essential oils and how they can enhance the benefits of the Ageless Grace 21 Tools. For Educators, this information can be incorporated into your Ageless Grace classes.
Experience an exciting musical journey while practicing the 21 Tools in a different way. Learn new moves and new information such as:
- How is your Sense of smell related to Cognition?
- What are the Benefits of incorporating oils?
- Which 2 body parts is it not safe to apply Essential Oils?
You will love visiting the countries you’ve always wanted to visit, from where Essential Oils originate – Egypt, China, India, Greece, Italy, France and the Holy Land.
You will learn the Benefits of blending this Ancient Science with a Modern Neuroplasticity Health program through a historical Musical Journey. The 21 “Tools for Lifelong Comfort and Ease®” will be blended with 7 Essential Oils in 7 different ways.
Ageless Grace Educators, discover a fresh approach to your classes while you learn the Benefits, the History, Safety measures and yes… end up feeling amazing!!! Your class participants will also be thrilled to feel the magnified effects of the already awesome Ageless Grace program, as Essential Oils enhance the benefits.
The list of Tools, Oils, and Music playlist are included.
Ageless Grace Aroma Workshop
Where: Sanctuary in the Pines, Highland Lake Cove, Flat Rock, NC
When: Wednesday, June 27th, 2018, 11:00am-3:00pm; Fee: $60
An Ageless Grace Aroma™ Workshop Trainer Certification will be offered to Ageless Grace Trainers & Educators Wednesday, June 27th, 4:00-7:00pm;
Fee: $60
Attendance at both events is required for Trainer certification.
These events are presented by Lana Gelb, Certified Ageless Grace Educator and International Trainer, and developer of this program.
For More Information: Contact Lana Gelb at lanagelb@gmail.com
What Others Are Saying About the Ageless Grace Aroma Workshop:
“Impressed with creativity of the whole Ageless Grace Aroma program.” Carol G
“I’m so inspired by today. I realized immediately how much I needed this personally & for the practice.” Deb K
“Now I know my allergies are not affected by oils!” Doreen B
“Love the combination – enhances the process” – Mary Ann W
“Personally helpful to use in my daily life…helpful in ways to integrate into class.” Sandy B
“Extraordinary presentation!” Dana B