Facilitated byDenise Medved and Lana Gelb

When and Where

Location: Online from any location via Zoom
  • Special Interest Workshop: November 9, 16 and 23, 2022 - 3:00-4:00pm Eastern

Additional Information

Your Brain On Fitness 3 Webinar Series
November 9, 16 and 23, 2022, 3:00-4:00pm Eastern

$19.47 each – or $49.47 for all three webinars – 45 minutes of content and 15 minutes of Q&A.
Each workshop will give take-away tools and research support.
Workshops will be recorded and the video link/links will be sent to all registered participants.

Webinar 1 – Wednesday Nov. 9th, 3-4pm Eastern – Your Brain on Physical Fitness:  All About Movement
What are the Cognitive benefits of Physical movement that are revealed in the latest research- whether it be Cardio, Strength or Flexibility Training?  Discover how each of these FItness aspects activate the Brain for optimal Function.

Webinar 2 – Wednesday Nov. 16th, 3-4pm Eastern – Your Brain on Mental, Emotional and Cognitive Fitness
What is Mental, Emotional and Cognitive Fitness and how is this achieved? What have the Brain and Mind got to do with it?  Discover simple tools and tips to improve Mental state, Emotional responses and Cognitive Fitness.

Webinar 3 – Wednesday Nov. 23rd, 3-4pm Eastern – Your Brain on Spiritual Fitness
What is Spiritual Fitness and what does this entail?  We know we need to practice Physical Fitness, and that one-size does not fit all.  But do we recognise that Spirituality, too, is a different  practice for everyone?


Registration is requested at least 2 days prior to online events and 14 days prior to in-person events. Please enter the number of attendees you would like to register using the plus and minus buttons below.