Ageless Grace Trainers

Maribeth Bevis

Maribeth Bevis

I began my fitness instructor journey as a Zumba instructor.  During my time teaching Zumba, I was asked to take over the Silver Sneakers program at the local YMCA.  At that point in time, I earned my group fitness certification from AFAA as well as a senior group fitness certification from the Senior Fitness Association.  Presently,  I am now a Silver Sneaker FLEX instructor. I teach several exercise formats; but Ageless Grace is by far my favorite.

My educational background is in teaching.  I taught middle school English and Literature for 14 years.  It is fun and challenging to take my teaching skills and experience and apply it to helping seniors stay fit.

The best part of teaching Ageless Grace is witnessing firsthand how life changing it can be .  I have seen seniors become able to once again assume activities of daily living that they thought they had lost forever.  Ageless Grace is amazing!

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