Find out how certification can benefit you or your organization
Ageless Grace Certified Educators complete a thorough training process that teaches them the 21 tools of the brain fitness program and how to provide playful classes that activate the five primary functions of the brain. Training can be acquired as an individual or as a part of a larger organization. Our Educators help clients, residents, patients, and loved ones live better, longer. Teaching Ageless Grace is also a fun challenge for your body and brain!
Ageless Grace is a beneficial program for clientele receptive to trying new and exciting things. Here at NHVH we try to target our Veterans who will truly enjoy this type of program. Ageless Grace offers range of motion, social interaction and smiles along with appropriate music, which, of course, is the key to its success. Music, movement, and smiles – what a gift – another name for this program could be “enjoying life’s moments”. Thank you, Ageless Grace.
Judith Brown, New Hampshire Veterans Home