Denise Felt Like A Rock Star on Ageless Grace Tour in Australia and New Zealand!
By: Denise Medved
I just returned from four amazing weeks in breath-taking Australia and New Zealand, organized by the amazing Trainer and Educator in Brisbane, and my dear friend, Sue Silcox! The beauty of the countries is amazing, but most breath-taking of all is the joy and friendliness, consciousness and kindness of all the people I met there who are attracted to, and intrigued by, Ageless Grace.
I felt like my personal new heroine, Phryne Fisher (from Australia of course!) on the TV series Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries — no mysteries — just pure joy and fun!
Some tidbits of exciting news and highlights of the trip:
We now have a new Ageless Grace Trainer in Melbourne, Angela Paladin — welcome Angela! She is so full of enthusiasm and excitement and is already scheduling seminars and certifications! She has a large community of new Educators around her now to support her and grow the community— and we had a huge seminar at the senior center where she regularly teaches. Thank you to her entire family, Mama too, for your hospitality!
We had the FIRST Annual Ageless Grace Australasia Retreat at the beautiful Gunnebah Retreat Center near Byron Bay in New South Wales. A great group, incredible fun, amazing beauty of nature all around us, and fascinating presenters! Everywhere we went people who didn’t get to attend or didn’t know about it were saying they can’t wait to come next year – Sue may need to rent a huge convention center! 🙂
We had such enthusiastic and fun groups in both Melbourne and Sydney (beautiful harbor! Thanks for the tour Sue Logan!) And many are inspired to become Educators now.
Such FUN Ageless Grace classes at the Library in Brisbane (thanks for our coffees afterward in the Bliss Café)!
A beautiful evening at Mount Coot Tha with Dee (also named Denise!), Sue’s sister, husband David and Sue! Gorgeous nighttime views and lights of the entire city! And a beautiful day at Noosa by the ocean on the Sun Coast!
We have 17 new Educators in Australia — a few who are already working toward becoming Trainers — and many, many, many, who took the seminars for personal practice, the marketing your mind-body business workshops and the Teaching KIDZ Playshops who have now decided to become certified to teach the program! And Sue Silcox has already scheduled events for certification in Christchurch NZ (they couldn’t wait — she is going in November!) and in Sydney and Brisbane.
In addition to all the Ageless Grace Events I taught a 3 hour Nia playshop on Healing with the 5 Elements in Christchurch NZ (thank you Educator Sarah Brown for an amazing weekend — and Annie and Alan Brydon for sharing your home!). I was most impressed by the the spirit of the people I met there who have shown such hope, optimism, compassion and kindness to each other in the aftermath of the horrifying earthquakes that leveled so much of that stunning city. Sue and I were awed by the new “cardboard cathedral” that was built to house hope for the future of this area. In every Nia and Ageless Grace class since I have been back, our group has consciously sent healing love and light to all the people and living things that are “coming back” better and stronger and healthier than ever. That city and all of it’s people are an inspiration!
Thank you to all the beautiful humans I met in Australia and New Zealand and especially to those who made it possible for me to be there by welcoming me into their homes and businesses and made me feel so good about being in both of these remarkable countries! A special hello and kiss to Sue’s grandchildren who stole my heart — Angus and Charlotte in Brisbane and Issac and Asher in Melbourne — and their families! They made me feel “at home”! And gratitude for the humbling grandeur of nature — and several animal friends I made, like the chickens, butcher birds, parrots, magpies, sheep and kitties, and especially Foxy, Marmaduke, Baldrick and Lottie to name a few!
With joy and grace — Denise
P.S. And I can’t forget the day Sue took me shopping for ALL NEW MAKE-UP! What a SPLURGE and we giggled like teenagers — this Ageless Grace thing works! Hey — this is a rock star tour after all, right?!?!