Graphics for Social Media
Pair the copy below with the graphics provided to make a Facebook post. Of course, you can make your own copy, these are just suggestions to get you started.
STEP 1: Choose a graphic, download it, and post it to your social media account. *Note, Australia folks, scroll way down to find your graphics with the AG Australia website on the graphics 🙂
STEP 2: Combine a numbered post with one of the three bolded sentences at the top. You always want to include a link or a way to get in touch with you, but the link must be posted AFTER you post your graphic. For example here are three posts with different links:
Post 1:
Ageless Grace is a cutting-edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5 functions of the brain – analytical, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall, creativity and imagination – and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function.
Learn more at!
Post 2:
Ageless Grace is a cutting-edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5 functions of the brain – analytical, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall, creativity and imagination – and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function.
Interested in taking a class? Check out my classes at: (put the link to your schedule page here)
Post 3:
Ageless Grace is a cutting-edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5 functions of the brain – analytical, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall, creativity and imagination – and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function.
Interested in taking a class? Contact me at: (put your contact information here)
STEP 3:Â Read over your post to be sure you are happy with everything, and then publish it!
Copy to go with Graphics
Learn more at!
Interested in taking a class? Check out my classes at: (put the link to your schedule page here)
Interested in taking a class? Contact me at: (put your contact information here)
1.    Ageless Grace is a cutting-edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5 functions of the brain – analytical, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall, creativity and imagination – and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function.
2.    Ageless Grace exercises are based on everyday movements that are natural and organic and focus on the healthy longevity of the body and mind.
3.    Ageless Grace exercises are simple to do at home!
4.    Ageless Grace movements are designed to be performed seated in a chair, yet they can be done on a bed, standing near or behind a chair, down on the floor, or standing. Almost anyone can do them, regardless of most physical conditions.
5.    You are timeless and your exercise program should be too!
6.    Your new life starts today!
7.    Each of the Ageless Grace Tools emphasizes a different anti-aging technique, such as joint mobility, spinal flexibility, right-left brain coordination, kinesthetic learning, cognitive function, systemic health, balance, self-esteem, confidence, and playfulness The easy-to-learn Tools promote the ability to respond, react and recover efficiently and safely.
8.    Intentionally nourishing the mind-body connection on a daily basis can help improve health and well-being, reduce stress, keep the brain agile and the body responsive.
9.    When body, mind, spirit, and emotions are in balance, health and well-being follow.
10. Practicing the Ageless Grace Tools for just eight to ten minutes a day will help the body function with optimal efficiency, and with comfort and ease throughout your life. It’s never too late to begin Ageless Grace, and it’s never too early to start!
11. Challenge your brain with Ageless Grace!
12. Build core strength with Ageless Grace!
13. Ageless Grace works by re-opening the neural pathways that were created from the time you were born until approximately the age of 21 years old.
14. Ageless Grace is a profound body of work that provides amazing results in all ages — yet it simple to learn, playful, easy to do – and FUN!
Graphics to use on Facebook
Graphics to use on Instagram
Graphics to use on Twitter
Australia Graphics
Graphics to use on Facebook – Australia
Graphics to use on Instagram – Australia
Graphics to use on Twitter – Australia