
This is just to express my gratitude for the Ageless Grace class held recently at Bay Village. It was a joy! The teacher, Ms. Mary Masi, was delightful, encouraging, full of variety and colorful imagery, with toe-tapping music. Not only did we have a wonderful, stressless workout, imagining all sorts of trees from which to pluck grapefruits and cherries, but also adventured forward on bicycle trips and ballet gigs. Best of all, after a happy hour of dancing, there was no pain – just more relaxed flexibility. It was a joy. We hope Ms. Masi will come back to Bay Village. – Polly D.

I wore the computer from Weight Watchers the whole time. It measures all of my movements. When I returned home I was amazed, Positively amazed… at the activity points racked up those 2 days !!! I swim and do Pilates in the water and etc. It was the same. Who da thought ? – Joani F.

I liked coming to the classes. The instructor was good on how she taught the class. The class helped me with all of my shoulder, hip, knee and hand problems. You get so energized and you feel better afterwards. – Kim B.

I thoroughly enjoy and feel energized by the class. It’s been very helpful in regaining strength after a stroke. – G. B.

I really enjoyed the class. It was a positive experience that helped me with my arthritis. – Linda M.

I am still a bit awe-struck & humbled…Such care, compassion, honor & responsibility went into this potentially life-improving, life-extending program lovingly conceived, developed & graciously shared by Denise Medved. How fortunate we are for her vision, her dedication & her generosity. Thank you, Denise. – Lisa Hofmann Beaumont

I have never seen such a sparkle in my sister’s eye since she has learned of Ageless Grace. This interest of hers means so much to me. She is physically challenged and is now becoming a bit more motivated to move. Thank you Denise for creating such a fun 21 tool practice! – BJF

Denise leaves no stone unturned with Ageless Grace. It’s a true wellness program. She has created a system that not only produces physical results, but encourages life-long healthy habits. And as always, there is a whimsical quality to Denise’s teaching that takes the “work” out of workout. Being more concerned with quality of life than with “feeling the burn,” Denise really does put the “FUN” in FUNctional Fitness! – Stacy Nichols Parish, Broadcast Professional, Certified Nia Instructor & Inspirational Speaker

My experience with Ageless Grace is basically three things: One, I feel so much better and that is the most important thing! Second, I learn a lot. Denise makes it educational so you become smarter about your own body. And third, Denise gives you permission not to have to “get it right.” “Just do something sort of like this “— and it works! – Ron Redmon, Executive Coach

I enjoyed my first Ageless Grace class tonight after a long day at the office. I entered tired and stressed and left energized with my sense of humor fully flexed. It’s great!
Karan Newbold, Attorney

Having rheumatoid arthritis, these old bones really appreciate Ageless Grace! It makes me feel YOUNG! – Nancy Stolinas, Retired School Secretary & Ceramics Teacher

I really feel better after taking the Ageless Grace class. All my joints feel lubricated and I love the way Denise teaches. I just love the class! – Janet Orlin, Licensed Massage Therapist & Feldenkrais Practitioner

Ageless Grace reaps limitless life-enhancing gifts that keep on giving. Denise brilliantly blends movement education, inspiration and motivation for everyBODY. We are eager to have her return to our community for a teacher training so all may continue to benefit from Ageless Grace in Michigan. – Winalee Zeeb, President, Heartdance & Nia Education Trainer

Ageless Grace is fun and easy to do at home to help with specific problems: feet, balance, and flexibility. – Nancy Cooper, Ageless Grace Enthusiast

“I can hardly believe I am now a Certified Ageless Grace Educator. What a fantastic weekend with fantastic women and Denise leading us all, mentoring, coaching, teaching, sharing.. and after 20 plus hrs of exercise during the last 3 days, I feel GREAT.. I sang all the way home from Sarasota to Dunedin FL singing silly songs and making sillier faces. I am going on to day 4 of the challenge.. can’t wait to wake up and make animal sounds and play the canasta.” Katherine Campbell Francomano

I just wanted to write and tell you HOW MUCH I am enjoying Ageless Grace. I do it everyday, with my mom and we both feel such a difference in our bodies. On the days that I don’t “Ageless Grace”, I have less energy and feel less active. On the days that I do, I want to move more, drink less coffee and have a bigger smile than usual 🙂 I plan on taking the entire training soon so that I can teach this wonderful program to others. Thank you for being such a positive and influencing person. – Anna Rogers

Joypodders, this past weekend i had the pleasure to attend the Ageless Grace certification training by Denise Medved at Core El Centro with a room-full of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois Nia kin and others.

Thank you Denise for bringing Ageless Grace to the Midwest. Core El Centro and downtown Milwaukee rocks! Thank you Bonnie, Barb, and the Wisconsin community. Sharing a bit about my experience as a new Certified Educator.

Since my brain re-wiring of two years ago; sensation, movement, and action are a preferred method of communicative reality for me. Choice. We are moving into time of embodiment and the heart-mind; relationship-with.

So with that I offer– if you have an opportunity to experience an Ageless Grace session don’t miss it! This is out-of-the-box! (i say this as one who has both taught conventional chair exercise; and consciously repatterned my own ailing body from a chair when it was grateful to sit and move in a chair rather than lay in bed consciously willing life breath by breath.)

Beyond participating in a class– if this course of training speaks to you, i cannot recommend it enough. I’ve studied a variety of conscious movement forms and have taken trainings with masters of movement– fabulous Nia with Debbie, Carlos, Winalee, as well as extended workshops and trainings with conscious movers and shakers Gabrielle Roth, Wilbert Alix, Diego Pinon, and others.

High expectations were met and went way beyond! Denise Medved’s Ageless Grace training is packed, clean, and wonderFULL. FUN and living lively! Impeccable, authentic, abundant. The whole package, including supplemental materials, is extraordinary.

Two years ago i made a decision to live to 110 — farming and dancing on the land until, what, 100? Seriously. I’m 57 and last summer the significantly younger man i had envisioned since i was in my late 30s danced into my life and is joining me in this conscious aging journey — how cool is that? We eat local and authentic food and dance together.

I dance wildly every day to hip-hop music, run on the treadmill, do yoga and butoh. Ageless Grace is different! In my personal practice it fills a void and it’s fun– i want fun, my psyche needs fun and laughter — doesn’t everyone’s?

My Ageless Grace practice is only days old. As i move deeper in practice authenticity i will have more to share.

Over these months the Felines taught me, “All Is Play.” YES! What i know is this– Denise’s Ageless Grace is opportunity for serious lifestyle shift evolving from conscious play. I can’t wait to sense what happens next! – D. De Feigel

My class today had 22 in attendance! I have had between 12-16 on a regular basis. Everyone is enjoying the class and seeing and understanding the benefits. I have been doing my 10 minutes every day and I have seen changes. I haven’t missed as of yet. I will be going out of town next weekend so I probably will miss a couple of days. My creativity has increased greatly and it has helped me with my other classes I teach. I downloaded the Hokey Pokey song on Tuesday and we did the routine to it and they requested it again today. I thank you so much for your hard work and creating this program!” – Shirley Woods

What a blast we had in Thomasville last weekend with Trainer Marghi McClearn. She is a gem of a trainer and such a breath of fresh air!!! She is a ball of fire and it just spread thru our little group. I am so blessed to already have a Friday class to teach at the Y. It’s contagious and the buzz around our little burb is spreading quickly about how fun and challenging AG is! I look forward to reaching out to others when time allows. Thank you for this program, thank you for your vision! I’m ready to put my neurons to work! – Leigh Ross, Thomasville, GA

I’m so very excited about using Ageless Grace both personally and professionally. I am overwhelmed and speechless by the generosity of the women in this group. I’m excited to begin a whole new career helping others as well as myself. – Priscilla H.

It was a weekend filled with grace on so many levels.  I am honored to be a member of our Ageless Grace community. – Susan H.