Facilitated byJo Brizland-Cullen, UK Trainer

When and Where

Location: Online from any location via Zoom
  • Seminar: Friday, 16th September (9.00am-1.00pm GMT)
  • Certification: Friday 16th September (9.00am-1.00pm GMT), Saturday 17th September (9.00am-1.30pm GMT) AND Sunday 18th September (9.00am-2.00pm GMT)

Additional Information

Seminar Only Fee: £50
Certification Fee: £325 (includes online materials – book, 3-DVD set video playlist, flashcards and Marketing e-book)
For more information and to register contact Trainer Jo Brizland-Cullen

Registration is requested at least 2 days prior to online events and 14 days prior to in-person events.