An Interview With Denise Medved
What makes this program different from other fitness programs for baby boomers and seniors?
The Ageless Grace program is based on 7 years of research in the cutting-edge science of neuroplasticity — the ability of the brain and the central nervous system to change it’s form and function across the course of a lifetime, specifically when stimulated by physical activity. The brain functions activated include Strategic Planning, Memory and Recall, Analytical Thinking, Creativity and Imagination and Kinesthetic Learning.
A few of the physical skills addressed in the program include, balance, spinal flexibility, joint mobility, the ability to respond, react and recover, upper body strength, hip flexor mobility, bone density, muscle mass and coordination.
So how do you practice this science in a chair?
From the time we were born until we were about 18-21 years old, we spent our lives developing neural pathways to make us functional adults. We crawled, walked, learn to feed ourselves, go up and down stairs, become more flexible and pliable — we developed balance skills. Eventually we learned to play ring around the rosy, tag, hide and seek, ball games — we learned to ride a bike, tie our shoes and perhaps learned to play a musical instrument. All the while we were playing these games we sang, counted and said rhyming words aloud. This created neural pathways — or superhighways where messages travel between the brain and body parts need to perform specific functions and activities. We became youthfully functional — and then we “grew up” and stopped practicing all the activities we needed to do to continue to perform with ease and comfort. So in Ageless Grace we play all sorts of “games”, which are called Tools, in order to re-open and re-activate all those neural pathways that have shut down, but still remain in the body.
The rest of this interview is available on Carol Heilman’s website – click here to read on!