Facilitated byDenise Medved and Gail Condrick

When and Where

  • Special Interest Workshop: Four 1.5-hour videos plus handouts for your own Self-Care Retreat

Additional Information

Coming Out of the Darkness, Into the Light:  A Self-Care Online Retreat

Gail and Denise were having a wonderful conversation about the new year, fresh starts, beginnings and endings.  They realized how important the START of anything can be so critical to the ultimate outcome.  Perhaps the new year, and coming of more light each day, can be a time of positive preparation for our dreams and goals and desires — a celebration of what we bring into 2024?

So they have an invitation for you to join them for the next 4 weeks — to ponder, play, and appreciate OURSELVES.

Often we begin the new year with all sorts of promises and commitments and resolutions. We will exercise more, eat less, be kinder, volunteer more often, say yes (or say no!)….

And of course, we are doing two things:
1) starting the year off as if we have a deficit of some type, that we’re not okay the way we are, we need improvement and

2) setting ourselves up for failure, yet again, since change of something that may not even be broken is more often than not impossible.

What if we were to spend one entire month acknowledging our successes, nourishing ourselves and preparing for the year ahead instead of looking at what might need improvement?

What if we were to celebrate what IS rather than what we wish we could change?

What if we were to put our own “oxygen masks” on first before attempting to help others?

What if we were to believe we are magnificent just the way we are?
Gail and Denise envision a once a week retreat, for just an hour and a half, to set in motion the beginnings of a breath-takingly beautiful new year for each of us.  They hope you will accept their invitation to join them in this nourishing of ourselves and each other through archetypes, movement and creativity.

Part 1  Self-Care – COUNTERPOISE (balance)
Part 2  Self-Expression – CREATIVITY (individuality)
Part 3  Self-Control – COMPASSION (kindness)
Part 4  Self-Love – CONFIDENCE (faith and grace)

Fee: $195 for all four 1.5-hour videos plus handouts

We hope you will join us in this dream of a new way to begin our year!  Love and hugs — Denise and Gail

Denise Medved is the Creator and Founder of Ageless Grace Brain Health, Feng Shui Consultant, Former Nia Faculty Member for 14 years and Nia Black Belt Instructor
Gail Condrick is an author, Sacred Contracts Archetypal Consultant, Veriditas Advanced Labyrinth Facilitator, and Nia Faculty Member/Master Teacher

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