Fitness Teachers and Personal Trainers Supplement Your Income

Attention fitness teachers, personal trainers, and all fitness and wellness professionals! Ageless Grace has great news for you. You CAN make money doing what you love. It’s a simple matter of knowing how to market your classes and teaching classes that aren’t as physically strenuous to supplement your income. Let Denise Medved, founder and creator of Ageless Grace, tell you how you CAN make money doing what you love.

Personal trainers supplement your income

“I’ve been teaching fitness classes and workshops for over 35 years — hard to believe! And it has been a journey that has been fulfilling and rewarding and brought me much joy. It has also kept me vitally healthy and fit at (nearly) age 72! Those are the perks of being in the fitness and wellness business.”

“Fortunately for me, I also spent 29 years in corporate marketing, PR, and advertising in New York City and in the San Francisco Bay area.  My career prepared me for creating a livelihood from the “fit biz” that isn’t always easy to manifest for fitness instructors and wellness educators. The love, compassion, and PASSION of those in the fitness field is powerful — and valuable.  And it is important, I feel, for fitness teachers and educators to receive equal value for the life-enhancing work they are doing in the world.  So we need to talk about MONEY, the 5-letter word that scares most of us, since we (thankfully) tend to come from our hearts and not from our heads. My personal experience and passion for the health and wellness field have even given me the tools to create a worldwide brain-body fitness program. Based on the cutting-edge science of neuroplasticity, Ageless Grace activates all 5 functions of the brain and addresses all 21 physical skills necessary for optimal function.  It’s not only simple to practice — it’s simple to teach.  My marketing skills have helped to launch it throughout the USA and in 34 countries around the globe so far.”

Here are a few tips on how to INCREASE your weekly income (and we must look at our income and budget WEEKLY, as our class attendance directly affects our bottom line):

Personal trainers supplement your income
  1. Look at how many classes or one-on-ones you are offering now, the times of day you are offering them and the geographic location. Look around the area and see if there are other possible places to teach nearby — so you aren’t driving all over town. Approach them with a free demonstration of what you teach — invite the staff and the members, residents or potential students so both populations can experience personally what you have to offer. Give the free demonstration at the item of day you would be able to offer on-going classes.  And then propose that you have an opening in your schedule and are in the neighborhood and would they be interested in having you teach on that day and that time.
  2. In addition to your classes, be sure that you have a FEW (choose 3-4 items maximum, too many items are overwhelming to your students) products for sale that are related to the programs you are teaching, (i.e. DVDs, CDs, books, t-shirts, fitness clothing, supplements, essential oils, logo jewelry, workout mats, etc.) Wear them, use them in your classes — and mention that you have them for sale. Your students who are loyal to you will want what you have to offer and what YOU are using.
  3. Every week give two or three free demos at local clubs (Rotary, Civitan, Garden Club, Sororities etc), organizations (companies, chambers of commerce, hospitals, colleges, etc), and health fairs. Demonstrations are best because because people can see and feel what you are offering and can choose to want more of it.
  4. Have three or four workshops at your fingertips that you can offer during weeks or months when your income is lower than usual due to class attendance being low (winter months, flu season, vacation and holiday times). Make sure you have a great email list of all your students and folks who have attended your program offerings even once, and that you are active on social media like Twitter, Facebook  and LinkedIn so you can invite people who are and are NOT your students currently to 1-2 hour workshops that are simple and easy for you to offer on specific topics that are microcosms of your classes or focus on one specific point of interest to your students (i.e. Meditation and relaxation for handling stress, strengthening the bones or upper body, increasing brain function through physical movement).
  5. Diversify in your class offerings. If you teach a high intensity program like Nia, Zumba, some forms of Yoga or Jazzercise for example, then you are likely physically limited as to how many hours a week you can teach.  Look to become certified in other programs that are less demanding on the body — yet of great interest to the public.  Tai chi, meditation, relaxation techniques, Alexander, Feldenkrais and Ageless Grace all fall into that category.

You want to reach other markets than those you are reaching now — other age groups, and those with other interests and needs, in order to expand your fitness business. Needless to say, I am an advocate of Ageless Grace, which was specifically designed to focus on baby boomers (the largest population in the world) and Ageless Grace 4EverFit4KIDZ! — the next largest population in the world. From a marketing point of view, your possible reach into these markets is almost unlimited — and seniors and children exist in almost every size city in the world in great abundance. The Ageless Grace program was also designed so that anyone can simply and easily teach it regardless of your fitness background — and while healthy adults and children want to practice brain fitness for preventative measures, anyone can practice it for developmental or restorative reasons as well (including special populations like those with joint replacements, dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS, autism, stroke and cancer survivors, ADD and ADHD, etc.) — which makes it possible to market it to many different audiences.

Click Here to learn more about our 14 hour certification and 4 hour personal practice seminars being offered all over the world.