Dramatic Benefits of Ageless Grace!
As trainers, we encourage new Educators to be serious about doing their own 10 personal practice daily – this is a great example of WHY it’s important – the benefits of Ageless Grace! ~ Sandy Bramlett, Ageless Grace Trainer
Hi Sandy,
I have just rounded the corner on day 7! What a difference 10 minutes can make on your life.
I want to share a little about myself with you. I have had 5 knee surgeries on my right knee the last most recently in April. The surgery was for a dislocated knee cap. The surgery did not correct the situation and so I have a permanently displaced knee cap. I have tried every form of exercise but haven’t been able to find one that works. The biggest problem is classes expect you to go from 0-50 in 35 seconds or less. Doesn’t work on all body types and states of mobility. I ended up worse than I had started. When I got the letter from Lori, I decided to give Ageless Grace a try. After doing my research I decided to become a trainer.
I don’t know if you noticed in class that my ankles were terribly swollen. Some of this is due to medication I am taking, some to poor eating habits, and a lot to immobility. They were getting so big I couldn’t wear some of my shoes. My balance had gotten so bad I was considering a cane.
I know the Ageless Grace program is not a weight loss program, but I am happy to report the only thing swollen on me is my head. The ankles look normal; fat but normal. I put on a dress yesterday that I can’t wear anymore because it is so big my bra shows from the sides and v-neck, I had worn the dress with serious foundations in the past. I slipped on a dress today that had ended up in the back of my closet with the tags on it because it had become too small. And, this morning while doing Spaghetti Spine I realized I could actually clasp my hands together behind my back!
I feel like a million and one dollars. I could go on and on – the more I do the more I realize I can still do–except Gentle Geometry (lol).
Thank you, Sandy! Thank you, Ageless Grace!